50 Book Reviews Reviews Published

Thursday, February 6, 2025

You Feta Watch Out : Grilled Cheese Mysteries by Linda Reilly

Thank you to the authors, publishers, and NetGalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review. The recipe review and food pairing found on my Instagram feed are of my own doing.

You Feta Watch Out
Grilled Cheese Mystery
Linda Reilly
Beyond the Page Publishing

Book five of the Grilled Cheese Mystery series takes place at Christmas time and the Flinthead Opera House is hosting a production of Dickins’ ”A Christmas Carol.” The actor, Prescott Lennon, who was playing Marley is more of a Scrooge than Scrooge making it no surprise when he doesn’t make it to opening night. No one is really sure why Hannah Collier, the director, gave him the part since he wasn’t that good as an actor and he was a menace as a person.

There are plenty of suspects to choose from, starting with the widow, Honey, who was referred to as Honey Lemon by various cast members because of her sour personality. The understudy, Malachy Foster, has so much more talent than Lennon and he has big time acting aspirations. The makeup girl, Ashley Blanchard, may have been hit on by Lennon or just treated very poorly, and Jess aka Mrs. Fezziwig was definitely deflecting unwanted and outrageous overtures from Lennon. Lennon was a bit of a leach and a lot of a hack.  

Carly doesn’t take sleuthing lightly and is bound and determined to find out the facts but sometimes she oversteps or asks questions of the wrong people which can have negative results. It is refreshing to see a character who stops for a moment to think about what asking those pesky personal questions might mean for the person being asked.

In addition to suspects and holiday splendor, there are some amazing sandwiches that pair well with tomato soup. While I can’t imagine what a Fruitcake Brie cheese sandwich aka Scrooge’s Redemption would taste like, I enjoy making and trying Grant’s Festive Feta Appetizers. 

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