50 Book Reviews Reviews Published

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

June 2023 New Release Cozies

Thank you to the authors, publishers, and NetGalley for providing these ARCs in exchange for honest reviews. The recipe reviews and food pairing found on my Instagram feed are of my own doing.  

Hidden Beneath
Maine Clambake Mysteries
Barbara Ross

This is a puzzle wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a cold case. You are instantly drawn in by the unexplained and kept on the edge of your seat as Julia hunts down secrets. There are SO many secrets from the past that have an effect on the present and the future, that you have no choice but to be drawn in and enthralled as each clue is uncovered. While this could very well be the last book in the series as there are several loose ends tied up in very pretty bows, there are also some doors closed and windows opened. Julia is an example of a great daughter who is willing to help with the "messy" stuff and the messy stuff. This is a stand-alone cozy so you will not be lost but you will be wanting to start back at book one, if not for the story then for the incredible recipes. The only part of this mystery that is not a mystery is how great the food sounds and tastes, as recipes are included at the conclusion of the story.

A Cornish Seaside Murder
A Nosy Parker Mystery
Fiona Leitch
One More Chapter 

This cozy illustrates that no matter how awesome of a sleuth, a chef, a former London cop, oh and mom (cannot forget the mom part) you cannot do it all at the same time, and do it all well.  Josie Parker is an amazing character as we can certainly see throughout the other books. It has been quiet since Jodie has passed the necessary exams to join the local constabulary as a type of ‘floating’ detective sergeant. That soon changes when Jodie, acting the part of the Penstowan Siren, happens upon a fisherman drowned in a water trough. Upon discovering  the theft of the Stone Mermaid statue from the church, old man Jago Thomas claims that the Mermaid turned vengeful Siren  is back to wreak havoc on the fisherman.   Josie is sure that there is something fishy going on but it doesn’t have anything to do with a missing mermaid statue or a gothic feminist reimagining of the Siren myth.  Instead of having several obvious suspects, the reader has the opportunity to follow clues right along with DS Parker and DI Withers aka Josie and her hot copper boyfriend Nathan. This is a great book for any armchair sleuth and as a plus it comes with a great cookie recipe so you can enjoy some cookies while you are reading to see if Josie can in fact balance it all out between catering for a 100th birthday party, helping Daisy with her gothic feminist reimaging, detecting with the DI, and staying safe as promised to Daisy and her mum. I give this 5 out of 5 mermaid/sirens.

How the Murder Crumbles
Cookie Shop Mystery
Debra Sennefelder
Crooked Lane Books

This series starter doesn’t waste time with the killings. First chapter has the death of a relationship and chapter two has the body drop. Ouch, Mallory, our marketing maven turned cookie artist, manages to get herself on the suspect list because of a very public, very heated disagreement over the author of the Almond Melt-Away Cookie recipe. So let that be a warning, do not tell someone that they will get what is coming. Plenty of suspects, in fact almost everyone who isn’t a family member or friend that is like a family member was on my list including the reporter. What a tangled web that Queen Bea weaved, she sure wasn’t liked by, well, anyone. The plot is engaging and the clues are laid out nicely. I had no idea until the end because of the red herrings jumping up left and right, plus the inclusion of a second body drop. This was an excellent story that kept me entertained and craving cookies. I am looking forward to trying out the recipes included at the conclusion in both the e-version and the audio. Hopefully the cookies will tied me over until the next Cookie Shop Mystery.

Death Knells and Wedding Bells
A Lighthouse Library Mystery
Eva Gates
Crooked Lane Books


The big day goes off as planned for Lucy the lighthouse librarian and her husband mayor/town dentist Connor. The reception has a few hiccups, might be because a few people had a little more to drink than would be prudent, plus a little family drama for added measure. What happens next makes this an interesting mystery as one person is found dead and another has gone missing. The answer seems obvious to one person, the new detective who may or may not be taking over for Sam Watson who is looking to retire. Maybe Detective North is just trying to make a good impression on the management but he sure isn’t doing such a good job with the folks of cozy Outer Banks community. Lucy is doing what she can to keep Connor from worrying about his new bride while at the same time, Lucy trying to do her best to help Birdie and Eddie with this troublesome predicament. The suspects are few but the clues are many but which clues are the right ones? Where did Aunt Joyce find Wayne Fortunado anyway, no one seemed to like him, Aunt Joyce included. The past meets the present and forever changes the future. This one ends with a nail biting, edge of your seat, page turning conclusion that completely surprised me.    

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