50 Book Reviews Reviews Published

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Can't Believe it Worked!

Can't Believe it Worked!
Thanks to my running/bunco buddy Kathy I have managed to lose another 6 pounds!  She posted on Facebook about DietBet and challenged people to join in.  I was skeptical at first, but she assured me it was legit.  So it's a dollar buy in with the goal of at least getting your bet money back if you can lost the specified weight.  For this first bet it was 4% of total weight.  So between the realistic weight amount and the fact that I put money on the line I was determined to not fail.  This is probably the first time where being a loser was necessary for being a winner!  So back to the Bulletproof diet plan and this time I got serious!  I had been eating a Dark Chocolate Cherry KIND bar as a regular dessert item whether I was hungry or not before bed.  It was better than a cookie and my carbs are supposed to be consumed at night, right?!  Well I decided that I wasn't REALLY hungry I was just using it as an excuse to snack. So out the door those went or rather, the didn't make it past the door as in I didn't buy then so they weren't there to tempt me.  Next step was to add the Brain Octane instead of the coconut oil.  Gabe says that Brain Octane is super purified coconut oil and it takes the fasting to the next level.  I buckled down and ate salads and a meat for lunch every day for work.  I didn't give up the Pint & a Pie special on Wednesdays after running but I did give up the chocolate chip cookies.  I didn't fall off the wagon, although there were a few times I was dragged behind it a little bit.  It probably also helped that I was already taking part in a walking challenge through work so lunch time was spent hoofing it around the downtown area.  I was excited to see the first 3 pounds come off quickly.  Then 1 pound came back, 2 pounds left, 2 pounds back, and so on and so on.  Sounds like a Cha-Cha doesn't it!  When all was said and done and the final weigh in needed to be posted I had managed to dip below 130 and was so happy to see 129.  Mind you I am back at 131 but I know that I can get to 129 and then keep going to 125 with determined persistence.  Oh and did I mention that there was a little bit of a payout?  That's right, my initial investment and a little dividend to go with it.  I think I just might have to find another 4% or 5% challenge and try my luck again.  Check them out for yourself https://www.dietbet.com/games?betSize=10,500&gameStatuses=starting-soon&type=all

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