Supper Club Super Slueths Cozys courtesy of NetGalley and Beyond the Page Publishing

Black Beans and Vice (Supper Club Mysteries #6) by Ellery Adams *Courtesy of Beyond the Page and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. If the Scooby Doo Mystery Inc gang had been created in this day and age and then aged up to their 40's it would be the Quincy's Gap Supper Club friends. A great group of friends with varied backgrounds and love of food, fun, friendship, and solving murders. The group is trying to balance their love of good food with great health and are making a group commitment to work towards thinner and healthier goals. Not only do they try the Mediterranean diet but also a little hypno therapy to curb carbs and slate their desire for sugary sweets at the Wellness Village. Unfortuneatly they encounter not only some animal rights extremists but also the body of the mayor who may or may not have been playing loose and fast with the town finances. There are side stories aplenty from stalking to stealing and other such fun bits in between. Excellent re...